Accueil /  rencontres / N° 2059772

Looking for a girl

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I'm writing this in english to attract a certain type of people and not those looking for random hookups ! i'm a 27 years old man i live in ""sousse"" i've a job and i live by myself ! i'm looking for a girl/woman ( i don't have a problem with age ) to be my partner/friend with benefit we can see eachother once every few days/weeks at my place or at hers or even in a hotel room or an airbnb ( where she lives if she's not frm sousse ) it doesn't matter ! it is going to be a secret relationship with nothing but mutual respect and understanding ! in bed i'd like to hear my partner and follow the flow of things i'm not a 100 dom or a sub etc ... because what matters for me is what my partner wants ! and about money i can give per encounter or a salary or whatever she wants ! further details are given via mail : =

  sex   friendswithbenefits   relationship   love

Datum der Anzeige: Samedi 19 Novembre 2022

Profil Annonceur  homme
 Annonce de particulier   (1)
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